Mark Allan | Rank Media
Get to know Mark.
Mark Allan
Production Director
Originally from Scotland, Mark completed his Master of Arts in Business Studies. He arrived in Montreal after spending several years working in Australia and New Zealand. From managing projects and creating thorough proposals, Mark works diligently to provide the best service possible for our clients.

What You Must Know: His favourite drink is Irn Bru. Don't know it? Give it a Google.
Daily Motivation: Providing the best service possible to customers.
Co-worker Kudos: “I swear to god that Mark is part man and part project management software. Any time there is a problem that needs unravelling, he immediately has the solution or is willing to help work it out. If I didn't know better, I would think that Mark takes sick pleasure in solving our mundane daily issues. Not only is he a huge part of the Rank team, but he is great to count on for an after-work pint.” - Vanessa
Meet The Rest Of The Team
President, Rank Media